Author Archives: Andrew
Digital Marketing For The Chiropractor
In our last discussion, we covered the difference between old-school “push” marketing and more modern-day “pull” marketing. And, we also mentioned that the reason why pull or “attraction” marketing is now the way of the future is because of some technological advances that allow digital marketing to surpass the old school analog methods. So in…
Attraction Marketing Vs. “Push” Marketing
I love to make fun of the dinosaurs. I can’t help it. It’s just so ridiculous to me. You know the dinosaurs… the ultra-expensive so-called “gurus” of practice management who have been teaching the same old nonsense since the 1980’s. You remember the ’80s. Miami Vice. Really bad hair choices. No cell phones. No internet. …
What should you post on Facebook?
By now, everybody knows all about social media like Facebook and Twitter, and there’s all kinds of buzz in the air about how important social media is to every single business, everywhere, for everyone, forever and forever, hallelujah. But how important IS social media to chiropractors (Facebook in particular), and how it is best used?…
Why Aren’t You Hosting Your Website?
To host or not to host? That’s the question that most of us chiropractors… well, never really bother to ask ourselves. After all, we know we need a website… THAT seems like an obvious necessity given today’s internet-driven economy… but a lot of the technical details often seem like wizardry and so arcane that it…
Top Chiropractic Newsletter Blunders
We all know that having a newsletter is one of the cornerstones of chiropractic marketing and promotions. It’s practically gospel. So why is it that I see so many chiropractors making very serious mistakes when it comes to creating this key component of their promotion? The short answer is, there’s a ton of old, outdated,…
Why Staying “Front Of Mind” Is So Important To Your Bottom Line
Tell me if THIS sounds familiar. A new patient comes in. You take a good history, do a thorough exam, take the time to educate your patient on the importance of care, impress them with an excellent report of findings… and they still don’t show up for their appointments. What happened? We’ve all been frustrated with…
What Should You Outsource?
I’m pretty sure that chiropractors, as a group, have the highest percentage of DIY (Do It Yourself-ers) of any profession out there. And I’m just as guilty as anyone else… there’s just something about the chiropractic spirit that seems to draw independent, do it all yourself types into the profession. And, when you’re just starting…