Author Archives: Andrew
The Dangers Of Relying On PI Attorneys For Referrals
What’s the best way to get auto injury patients? If you’ve listened to any of the zillions of old-school chiropractic marketing “experts” still clinging to tactics from the 1980’s, odds are, you’re thinking, “Market yourself to PI attorneys”. In fact, that misguided piece of advice is so prevalent, and has been repeated so often for…
How Many Auto Injury Patients Should You Be Seeing?
Most chiropractors love getting a new auto injury case, because, simply put, they’re quite lucrative. When it comes to the business end of a practice, there’s very few patients out there that have a case value average that’s higher than a typical auto case. Most states have a $5000 of personal injury protection coverage minimum,…
How To Use Our Newsletter Service
We had a few requests to get a closer look at our very inexpensive done-for-you newsletter service, and so in this video, we walk you step by step through what we offer. Full newsletters are sent out on the 1st and 15th, and our “links of interest” are sent out on the 8th and…
Is Your Message Consistent With Your Delivery?
A while back, as a part of an employee agreement, I went through a marketing “boot camp” given by one of the old-timey dinosaurs of practice management. It was supposed to “jump start” a new chiropractic associate’s ability to generate new patients. Not a bad idea, and I’m always open to learning what other people…
Your Secret Weapon To Success- Viral Marketing
When it comes to building and promoting a practice, external marketing is usually what gets all the big press. When we ask ourselves, “How do I get more new patients?”, what we jump to mentally is the process called lead generation, which, expressed in business terminology, is finding cold leads and turning them into patients.…
How To Set Up An Autoresponder Sequence
One of the major tools in the digital marketing toolkit for chiropractors is the email autoresponder sequence, which is an automated series of messages sent out to a person once they sign up for a certain email list. Some of the docs who have picked up my New Patient Sequence, a five email series designed…
Are Your Patients Even Opening Your Emails?
Most chiropractors who have put effort into updating their marketing know that it’s incredibly important to collect and maintain a list of patient emails. Outside of chiropractic, so-called “email marketing” is so important, a common phrase is, “The money is in the list”. It’s really been that way for a long time… creating and maintaining…
Stop Doing Reactivation Calls!
I really, really love to make fun of the dusty old outdated chiropractic marketing gurus from the ’80s…. the ones I like to call the “dinosaur gurus”. And if there’s one awful tactic that the dinosaur gurus from the ‘80s teach, that is a prime example of exactly what NOT to do if you want to build…
More Automation Means Less Frustration
Today’s article is on a little something that may seem intuitive and obvious at first glance, but I want to share some thoughts for you to kick around in your head as you set up or modify your own office’s marketing plan. That concept is how important it is to automate as much of the…
Why You Must Target Your Chiropractic Marketing
We all need more new patients. It’s the curse of being a chiropractor. You will always have a need for more and more new patients. It’s just life. Oh, you can reduce that need with great retention, great reactivation, and great compliance, but people are going to move, or pass away, or simply drift off…